Personal Branding for Students: A Door to New Opportunities
Creating a unique identity and personality has become a necessity in today’s interconnected and fast-paced world. As a student, personal…
Creating a unique identity and personality has become a necessity in today’s interconnected and fast-paced world. As a student, personal…
Director of the Institute for Learning Innovation and Sea Grant Professor Emeritus of Free-Choice Learning at Oregon State University
Dr. John H. Falk is Director of the Institute for Learning Innovation and Sea Grant Professor Emeritus of Free-Choice Learning at Oregon State University. He is a leading expert on free-choice learning; the learning that occurs when people have significant choice and control over what, where, and when they learn.
Professor of Practice of Education and Engineering at Penn State University
Dr. Christine Cunningham is a Professor of Practice of Education and Engineering at Penn State University. Her work focuses on making engineering more relevant, accessible, and inclusive, especially for underserved and underrepresented populations. She does this by creating researched-based engineering curricula for PreK-8 children and their educators. Her book, Engineering in Elementary STEM Education, describes her groundbreaking work. Previously, Cunningham was the Founding Director of Engineering is Elementary. Cunningham has received a number of awards; in 2017 her work was recognized with the prestigious Harold W. McGraw Jr. Prize in Education.
Chris Rogers Professor and Chair of Mechanical Engineering at Tufts University
His research interests are:
Engineering Education, Robotics, and Musical Instrument Design
Ph., D Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
M.S., Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
Chris Rogers earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at Stanford University, where he worked with Professor John Eaton on his thesis on particle motion in a boundary layer flow. Rogers joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Tufts School of Engineering in 1989. He is involved in a number of research areas, including particle-laden flows (a continuation of his thesis), telerobotics and controls, the slurry flows in chemical-mechanical planarization, the engineering of musical instruments, measuring flame shapes of couch fires, measuring fruit-fly locomotion, and engineering education (kindergarten to college). At Tufts, Rogers has exercised his strong commitment to teaching by exploring a number of new directions, including teaching robotics with LEGO bricks and teaching manufacturing by building musical instruments. His teaching work extends to the elementary school level, where he talks with over 1,000 teachers around the world every year on methods of introducing young children to engineering.
Co-founder and COO at TechDev Academy
Co-founder & Chief Education Officer at TechDev Academy
Mentor & Educator
Ph.D. Student in Computer Science at Stanford
Ph.D., Data Scientist
Ph.D., Candidate at Stanford University
Researcher at Stanford University
Junior at Stanford University
Ph.D., Product Manager at Cruise
Ph.D., Data Scientist in Magnimind Inc.
Ph.D., Senior Research Associate at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University
Senior Data Scientist at Bayer
Data Analyst
Ph.D., Co-Founder and Deputy Director of the Precision Health and Integrated Diagnostics Center (PHIND) at Stanford University
Scientist at Stanford Uni, Founder & CEO at TechDev Academy
B.S. in Biological Sciences,
Research assistant at the Laboratory of Biosensors and Bioinstrumentation
Ph.D., Data Scientist at Megalab, Silicon Valley
MSc Researcher at Stanford University
Mon-Fri 2 hours of daily instruction and 2 hours of self-paced project development.
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Mon-Fri 2 hours of daily instruction and 2 hours of self-paced project development.
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Mon-Fri 2 hours of daily instruction and 2 hours of self-paced project development.
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